Shipyard Training Center

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Training Library

The information contained in the PSDSRA Training Library is based upon information that is believed to be accurate at the time of its publication, however, is provided without guarantee or representation as to accuracy.

Click on any course topic below and it will be downloaded in PowerPoint. Training manual text is in Notes Pages view.

Confined Space Safety

Confined Spaces Facilitator Guide

Spanish Confined Space Safety

Confined Spaces Course Description

Electrical Safety and Lock Out Tag Out

Electrical Safety and Lock Out Tag Out Facilitator Guide

Spanish Electrical Safety and Lock Out Tag Out

Electrical Safety and Lock-Out Tag-Out Course Description

Fall Protection

Fall Protection Facilitator Guide

Spanish Fall Protection

Fall Protection Course Description

Fire Prevention and Hot Work Safety

Fire Prevention and Hot Work Safety Facilitator Guide

Spanish Fire Prevention and Hot Work Safety

Fire Prevention Course Description

Job Safety Analysis – Personal Protective Equipment Course Description

Job Safety Analysis -Personal Protective Equipment (For Training Manual in PPT contact Help Desk)

Job Safety Analysis -Personal Protective Equipment Facilitator Guide (For PPT contact Help Desk)

Spanish Job Safety Analysis-Personal Protective Equipment (For Training Manual in PPT contact Help Desk)

                 Navigating Shipyard Safety Requirements (For PPT contact Help Desk)

Permit Authorized Individual Training (For PPT contact Help Desk)

Permit Authorized Individual (PAI) Course Description

Safety Leadership for Supervisors (For PPT in English or Spanish contact Help Desk)

Safety Leadership for Supervisors Course Description

Shipboard Fire Safety 2024 (For PPT in English or Spanish contact Help Desk)

              Shipboard Fire Safety 2024 Course Description

Shipboard Safety Basics

Shipboard Safety Basics Facilitator Guide

Spanish Shipboard Safety Basics

Shipboard Safety Basics Course Description

Shipyard Ergonomics

                  Shipyard Hazard Identification and PPE (S.H.I.P) Course Description

                  (For S.H.I.P. Training Manual in English or Spanish contact Help Desk)

Understanding Hazardous Communication Course

Using Shipyard Portable Tools (For PPT in English contact Help Desk)